He Can See Through the Dark

“Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121:4

Have you ever tried to stay up all night? It is a really hard thing to do. Especially night after night after night. Imagine if you were responsible for protecting someone. Imagine that if you fell asleep, then the protection would be gone. That’s pretty much an impossible task isn’t it? Not for God! Our Savior never slumbers and never sleeps. Even when we are not aware of it, he is watching over us. He knows our every coming and going. Isn’t that beautiful?

Following Christ isn’t easy. When we obey him, many times we make decisions that are not popular. Sometimes that can feel really lonely. But remember, you are not alone.

You have a Savior who loves you so much he died for you. He watches over you day and night. We don’t always understand his purposes and plans, but we know he is good. Psalm 121 is full of descriptions of how the Lord takes care of us: he is the source of our help (vs 2). He does not slumber or sleep (vs 3,4). He is right there like a shadow (vs 5). Neat, right?

Does this mean that bad things will never happen? No. But it does mean the Lord is right there, watching over you and seeing you through. Working things for your eternal good (Romans 8:28). So the next time you feel lonely or frightened, remember that God does not sleep. He is watching over you every step of the way.

When was the last time you thought about God watching over you?

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