
“Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

Did you wake up in a terrible mood today? Are you rolling your eyes at the “great day attitude” you once cultivated? Do you feel sluggish, bored, and mad?

Maybe it’s because you’re out of balance. Your mood is telling you that something isn’t right, and it might be as simple as neglecting the 4 Fold Way. It sounds simple, I know. But let me tell you this: In all my studies of neuroscience, scripture, psychology, and nutrition, and sociology, I’ve learned how important it is to maintain your spiritual, social, mental, and physical health.

Jesus did. You see him connecting deeply with God and with others. You see him learning at the temple, having fun at a wedding party, and taking time to away to rest and pray. God gave us a mind, a body, and a spirit. He gave us communities to live in and people to love.

When we get out of balance, our bodies and emotions alert us by many symptoms: illness, depression, anxiety, moodiness, and insomnia are just some ways you know something’s just not right.

As you continue to grow and change, remember to ask yourself how you’re doing physically (exercise, nutrition, sleep), mentally (pure movies, thoughts, internet activities, music, studies), socially (healthy friendships and strong connections with family), and spiritually (time to connect with God through Bible reading, prayer, worship, fellowship).

If you’re neglecting some part of you, change your schedule to reflect a new commitment to the area you’ve ignored. You might need to spend more time with friends, less time eating chocolate cake, more time connecting with God, and less time watching television on the couch.

Where do you feel “out-of-balance”?

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