Opening Day and a Taste of Heaven

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; If that were not so would I have told you I am going to prepare a place for you? John 14:1-2

One of my favorite things about Opening Day at camp is when Jimboy and Laura say to the campers, “welcome home.” At that moment, the truth of what I know deep in my heart and what I am created for shines forth. Why do I LOVE camp so much? And frankly, along with every other camper and counselor, count the days until I am return? Yes, the people, food and activities are all wonderful. But the real reason, I believe, we all crave going back is because walking through the gates of Greystone is just a foretaste of what it will be like to walk through the gates of splendor, of heaven itself.

Camp represents the gospel in a way that I think even those who don’t believe can actually FEEL when they are here. It is a place of rest, of acceptance, of shelter from the stormy pressures of life, school, broken relationship with friends or parents, from the constant pressure to be someone we are not or to meet someone else’s expectations for our lives. At camp, just as it will be when we are in our father’s house, we are at home, the home our hearts were created for. Safe, accepted, loved unconditionally, free to be who we were created to be. Yes, camp reflects the true beauty, the true rest, the true shelter. Ultimately the true home we will one day share with our Savior Jesus, who for now, if we believe and rest in Him alone for salvation, lives in our hearts. Remember today why we go to camp and know that though your home in heaven is still to come, heaven can live in your heart today, as you trust in Jesus.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that Jesus is preparing a place for me with you forever. And as I face the troubles of today, give me the grace I need to trust in you, to remember that when I get to camp as well as when I leave camp you are with me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.