
“Then, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

The truth is that Jesus is God’s son, and He has come so that we have eternal life with Him. The truth is that we do not deserve any of this, and we do not even deserve the blessings we have here on this earth. Truth is real, based on facts that cannot be argued. Jesus speaks the truth of God in His word, and we can learn a lot from reading about the truths that we can claim as Christians.

I also believe this verse is a good reminder that we should speak the truth. We need to share with others what God has done and is doing in our lives. We also need to be honest with others about our mistakes and shortcomings.

This allows our relationship with God and need for Christ to be authentic and a real example to others. Many times, Christians give off the impression that we are perfect and are looking down our nose at other people for not being perfect. This is not a way to love other people. Even though people around us will make mistakes or turn away from God, it is not our job to judge them. Our job is to love them and show them the truth by our actions.

It is also important for us to be honest with ourselves, our parents, and those closest to us. Keeping secrets that are harmful, destructive, or hurtful to others is unhealthy. It allows a relationship or a lifestyle/appearance to be built on something false. It also shows those that do not know God that we are prideful and that being a Christian is something they cannot attain.

Telling the truth produces a sense of freedom because we are not dealing with the problems alone. Telling the truth may cause frustration or hurt in the moment, but it will produce an environment of long-term safety and trust. This will produce freedom in the relationship where both parties are not expected to be perfect, but both parties are coming together in honest ways.

It produces a reliance on God and not ourselves. God can work in that type of environment. He can use willing participants. When we are weak, He is strong. Tell the truth so that you can be free and can help others to have the same.

Take Away: Remember the song, Jesus Loves Me? Sing it to yourself and remind yourself of the truths found in those simple lyrics. The Bible tells us that Jesus loves us. Telling the truth about that love and allowing God to work in our weaknesses is what being a Christian is all about.

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