A Light in the World

“For God, who said ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6

One of my favorite Evening Programs at camp is Vespers. There is something about seeing the single candle light pass through the pavilion and light up the faces and bring light into the darkness. Throughout Vespers we hear cabins recite different verses about light in the darkness and the light of the world that Jesus has brought to us to carry out.

When I was younger I didn’t really understand what it meant to take this light home with us… And I will admit that I am still figuring out, but continue to try to carry that light home with me.

For those who have been to Main Camp, you have experienced Closing Vespers, sending the candles out onto Lake Edith. This image is forever engrained in my mind because it is such a great picture of what it means to take the light back with us when we leave camp. Every year the weather is different and the candles floating of the lake scatter out differently and this is such an amazing picture of what it looks like when we leave camp and take this light with us.

We will face those times when it is totally still and we can easily share the light with others; where we can share the joy of living life abundantly with Christ. Then there are times when we will be fighting against the winds of sin, but the incredible part about this light is that it can weather this storm.

Typically the years when the wind is blowing towards the lake the candles stay close to each other, taking on the wind as a group rather than individually. This is what the community of camp provides; a group of believers and supporters who help us brave the storm and tough times we may face as we leave camp.

So remember, leaving camp and going home, that the light of Christ is what fills your heart back with you. Picture how much of an impact the single light makes when it begins to spread and how it can light up the entire pavilion.

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