Spiritual Gifts

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10

One of my best friends is a great listener. She is in fact probably the best listener I know. She loves hanging out with people one on one and having really great conversations with them and listening to everything they have to say. This is a wonderful gift my friend has that many people don’t have.

God has given us all unique gifts. Sometimes we think certain gifts people have are better than others. We think of great gifts as athleticism, musical talent, being really smart or being really funny. While those are wonderful things they are not “the best” things. We are meant to serve the Lord and each other with our gifts. Whether we are a great leader or a loyal follower, both of those things are valuable and can be used equally to glorify God. Every gift is important to God, and we are all part of the body of Christ. Each body part matters and functions to benefit the whole.

Sometimes it can be hard for us to realize what our gifts are. But believe me, each one of you has a special gift that the Lord gave you for a reason. And don’t let talents the Lord has given you go to waste. He gave you certain talents for a reason and He wants you to use them. It’s like a muscle…if you use it, it will grow, and if you don’t you’ll lose it. Don’t use your talents to just benefit yourself. Use them to serve others and God.

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