Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

“I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14

Each year many people look forward to October 31. It is one of the few days in the year that we can dress up as whatever we want to be. I can remember a year I dressed up as a rabbit and then years when I went for different decade looks (think of all the costume options there are for the Decade Dance).

Dressing up in a costume can be an easy way to take on a different persona to become someone or something else. Don’t we all try to do this throughout the year? Sometimes it is so much easier to pretend to be someone we are not, to try to fit a certain mold that we think we are supposed to fit.

We sometimes let ourselves be shaped by the world around us instead of letting God’s word shape us. We try to cover up our “uglies” with good grades, popularity, or good looks. When we put on our “costume” of what we want our life to look like we typically do it because we want people to perceive our lives to be a certain way.

The verse reminds us of the creator who created the heavens and earth and created each of us wonderfully. When we put on the costumes we try to cover up what the Lord formed, we try to turn ourselves into something that we are not. Each of us has been created fearfully and wonderfully.

It is not easy to learn to love your body, but we can get closer each day when we take a look in the mirror and choose to smile and treat ourselves kindly, refusing to try to cover up what God created. Let this verse fill you and let it remind you of who created you and how you were created.

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