Glory to His Name

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him! Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” 1 Chronicles 16:29

I love stopping and thinking about how truly amazing Jesus is and how the Bible shows this. There are about 200 different names and titles for Jesus in the Bible! Here are just a few of them: Son of God, Son of man, Prince of Peace, Chief Cornerstone, Light of the world, Alpha and Omega, Emmanuel, Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, our Rock, and our Savior.

Those titles really put you in a state of awe. Jesus is definitely the only person to have so many titles and names that make us automatically know who He is.

But sadly, we can be quick to forget the perfection and person of Jesus, and not bring glory to His name. We instead want to bring glory to ourselves or we idolize other people. I mean, think about how obsessed people get with celebrities. Don’t get me wrong, I really love some actors and singers and I would freak out if I met some of them. But we shouldn’t put people up on a pedestal where only Jesus should be.

The Lord is the only one deserving of worship and we need to be careful not to worship ourselves or other people. We all should remind ourselves daily of Jesus’ beautiful holiness and what He did for us. He died for our sins and brought us into unity with God. Try to thank God every day for sending such an amazing Son for us.

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