How Do You Spend Your Time?

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6

I love to run. It is something that I make time for in my day-to-day schedule and I think about when I can fit it in. Running is a good thing, but sometimes it can become too much of a priority for me.

We all have those things that we make time for no matter what’s going on in our day. Whether it’s a TV show that we drop everything to watch, or work we have to do, we make time for the things we think are important.

The sad thing is, many of us don’t feel like we have time in our busy schedules to read the Bible or spend time with God. We say, “I’m so busy! School, sports, work…there’s no time for anything else.” Yet, we do seem to find time for the things that we think are important; the things we think will fill us and make us happy. But the most important thing is the Lord; the creator of the universe, our Heavenly Father and the one who loves us more than anyone else.

God is also the one that fills us unlike anyone or anything can.

The beatitudes are the guidelines Jesus gives us for how we are made to live life. This beatitude: “Blessed are those who huger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” is one that I think a lot of us struggle with. What does it mean to hunger and thirst for righteousness?

Righteousness is being right with God or being perfect. This is not possible for us to achieve unless we believe in Jesus. He was the only one who was truly righteous and blameless before God and “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). So really hungering and thirsting after righteousness is hungering and thirsting after Christ. To know Him and want to be like Him. This is what God calls us to do.

A funny thing about running is that the more you run, the more you like it, the better you feel, and the more you want to do it. Spending time in the Word with God is the same way!

Try devoting a little time every day to read the Bible or read a devotional book and pray. You will see that the more you do it, the more you will want to and the Lord will begin to fill you as you hunger and thirst more and more after Him.

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