A Different Kind of Freedom

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Everyone knows that one of the most magical events at Camp is the Fourth of July Carnival. Everyone’s decked out in red, white, and blue, eating amazing food, and having the time of their lives. The Fourth is such a fun holiday and a great time to remember the price that others paid so that we might be free. But there’s another kind of freedom that is even greater than the freedom we get to experience in this country.

It’s the freedom of Jesus. And I need to be reminded of it daily because more often than not, I forget that I’m free. The God of the universe sent His son, who was pure and just like Him in every way, to earth so that we could meet Him face to face. And not only that, but He came to bear our sins so that we could walk in freedom all of our days.

More often than I’d like to admit, I fall prey to the lie that I’m not really free, that my sin is a forever thing, that it’s always going to define me, follow me around, and even keep me from the love of God. But the real truth is I’m already free. I’ve already been redeemed. Yes, I’m sinful and broken, but God called me whole and redeemed. And He calls you that too.

We have two options. Either we accept His love and grace, walking out in the freedom He has freely given, or we continue to sin and either soak in it or try and cover it up by our “good deeds.” And I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of trying harder.

I’m tired of doing more with the hope that God and others will like me better. I’m tired of trying to cover up my mess instead of just admitting that I’m messy and asking God to help me. It’s a choice to be free. You can choose to stay in sin, or you can take God at His word and experience the greatest freedom of your life.

It’s a daily set of baby steps, walking away from our sin and walking towards Jesus, but there’s grace for every day—his mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

I pray that as you go throughout your day today, you would be filled with peace that you no longer have to prove your worth in order to be loved and redeemed. You are free to be yourself, to depend on Jesus, to laugh, and rest, and be. This freedom in Christ is a gift that God has given you, my friend! Savor it. Thank God for it! You are free indeed.

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