Saturated with Something

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Mornings around my house with two young kids can be really wild. From packing lunches to getting everyone dressed to feeding everyone breakfast to putting everything in bags for school….I bet you know what I’m talking about, as I bet you experience these same kinds of things at your house too!

I try really hard to get up in the mornings to spend some time with the Lord before the start of the mayhem, but lately, I’ve been realizing that this time keeps getting overtaken by all there is to do. I’ll wake up 30 minutes early with great intentions, but will see a pile of laundry to fold….before I know it, I’ve spent time folding laundry, which then leads to re-organizing part of my closet, which then leads to making a pile of things to give to Goodwill – this happened just last week!

My early morning time with the Lord gets quickly put aside by one small innocent task that then leads to a slew of other things that take up my entire morning. Before I know it, it is time to start the day.

I heard author Lysa TerKeurst say that our minds are like sponges – whatever saturates them first is what is going to fill them and saturate them most deeply for that day. When we fill our minds first thing in the morning with social media or computer games or even getting homework done, these things are what are going to fill our minds for the day.

When we instead fill our minds with the Lord in the morning, we are saturating our minds with the truth. As it says in Romans 12:2, the Lord can renew and transform our minds so that we can discern what God has in store for us. What a huge difference it makes in my day when I saturate myself first thing with the truth from the Lord – it renews my perspective of the day and transforms the way I view what is to come that day. I am going to be filling my mind with something each day; where do I want my mind to be focused?

What is saturating your mind first thing in the morning? Are you filling it with social media or your “to-dos” for school; or, are you instead saturating your mind-sponge with what the Lord says is true? Spend time this morning saturating yourself with what you want to be filled with today!

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