
“For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11

“It’s going to be a great day and I feel terrific!” These are familiar words to the campers, counselors and staff at Camp Greystone. Jimdaddy and Jimboy don’t just want us to speak these words but to believe them.

Every morning on our way to school we pass by an older man who serves as a crossing guard at our son Simeon’s school. He lives each day as if it is a great day and he always makes us feel terrific. Everyday he waves to us with a smile on his face and makes us feel loved and important. For the past two years, we have witnessed him smiling and waving to everyone who passes by. There’s no doubt that he recognizes us when we pass by him each day.

His joy and kindness aren’t forced. It’s not part of his job description. It’s just who he is. On the rare days when he is absent, we miss him a great deal. He truly is a blessing and an encouragement to our family. His cheerfulness has challenged us to be a blessing to other people.

We love it when people make much of us but God has called us to make much of other people. This is a difficult task and one that does not come to us naturally. We love when people cheer for us but we find it difficult to cheer for others.

Paul tells us of the One who is so much greater than the crossing guard we pass each day. Paul tells us of the One who truly enables us to feel terrific and makes each day a great day. Paul testifies of Jesus Christ who has made much of us. Jesus has obtained salvation for us by dying in our place. Jesus has paid the penalty for all of our sin.

There’s no more encouraging truth in the entire world! As Christ’s prized possession we are called and equipped to encourage others. Rest in God’s grace and be a blessing to other people! How can you help others have a great day today?

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