“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14
What do you value most in life? I’ve been asking people this question for years and I always get the same answer. RELATIONSHIPS!
God created us in His image to live in relationship with Him and His creation. We were created for community! Relationships are the reason we love Camp Greystone so much. What is the essence of relationships–what must you have in order to be in relationship with someone?
We can answer that question with a series of other questions: Do you have a cell phone? Do you text message? Email? Tweet? Facebook Message and Chat? FaceTime? Did those questions help? What is the essence of all relationships? Communication. Without communication you don’t have a relationship—at least not a functional one.
One of the most amazing truths about God is that He desires to live in relationship with His people. God desires to know you and be known by you. This may surprise you but it really shouldn’t. God has gone to great lengths to make it abundantly clear to us that he wants to know us and live in relationship with us. But, you’ll never know what it means to live in relationship with God until you hear Him communicate with you. Have you heard God’s voice? I can assure you that He’s not silent. God is communicating with us all the time. The question is: Are we listening?
In Psalm 19, David says that God communicates with us through creation 24/7. There is no place on earth where God’s voice through creation is not heard. The creation testifies to the existence of God. Creation tells us about God—tells us of His glory, majesty and power. Creation should cause us to hunger and thirst to know God face to face. Creation should create a desire in us to know the Creator.
Though God’s communication to us through creation is rich and wonderful, it has limits. You can know about God through creation but you cannot know Him face to face. David tells us that God communicates to us in an even better way. God communicates with us through His Written Word—the Bible (Scripture). David calls the Bible “the Law of the Lord”. David says the Law of the Lord is perfect! Sure! Right! Pure! Clean! True! Desirable!
The Law of the Lord is perfect because it enables us to know the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer of the World face to face. The Bible is a story from cover to cover of the God who created us and desires to know us face-to-face. The Bible tells us of the incredible lengths that God has gone to, the incredible price He has paid to know us and live with us face to face.
Do you know God face to face? Have you heard Him speaking to you? If you haven’t heard Him, it’s not because He’s silent. Open your Bible and ask Him to help you hear His voice. God loves relationships and DMC’s (Deep Meaningful Conversations).