Jesus Shares His Inheritance with You

“Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.” John 17: 24

Parents all have a bank of phrases they pull from when instructing their kids. There are days when one of these phrases can exhaustively be used dozens of times. “Girls, if you can’t share it than mommy is going to take it away and neither of you will play with it,” is one such phrase for me.

Maybe you have found yourself uttering these words to your siblings! Sharing is a life lesson we all must learn – and it is a hard one.

What if Jesus had functioned similarly? He could have lived, died, risen and reigned for all eternity without sharing the redemptive work he accomplished with us. And it wouldn’t have been unfair or unjust for him to do so.

But Jesus didn’t hoard his reward for himself. His desire to share his eternal reward with you is no better expressed than in the high priestly prayer in John 17.

In this intercessory prayer, Jesus’ intimacy with the Father and his love for those that follow him are exposed. Jesus prays that God would love you as he loves Jesus, his own son. He is asking that God would draw you into his arms and declare you his child.

Jesus wants you to experience the same joy being a child of God as he does. Because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross, when God sees your face, his eyes are filled with delight as if he is looking into the eyes of Jesus. It is astonishing. It is beautiful. It is true.

Meditate on the very character of Jesus that he would share his inheritance with you. How does this verse change the way you view Jesus?

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