You Have Abundant Life Now

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

“Salvation sounds a new beginning” are the opening words to one of my favorite albums, Zion by Hillsong United. It reminds me that at the exact moment we say yes to Jesus, we enter into an entirely new beginning.

You see, I think a lot of the times we think Jesus came to just bring us eternal life and that we just have to wait out the in between here on Earth. It’s easy to believe that we just need to “get by” in the broken world and then one day in heaven everything will be perfect- and that is not true at all!

In John, Jesus teaches us that He came so that we may have life, and have it abundant. Through the sacrifice of Jesus and His resurrection all who believe in Him are not just guaranteed eternal life, but abundant life as well!

What exactly is this abundant life though? Enjoying a life of abundance means enjoying every aspect of life God has created. Often times, we compartmentalize our faith and being a Christian is just one of the terms we would use to describe ourselves, but that’s not how God set it up for it to work.

Our entire lives are lived out of the position of being rooted in Christ, not just the churchy things. We aren’t just honoring God when we read our Bibles or go to Sunday school, but whenever we are enjoying the lives He has granted us with. God is glorified when His creations enjoy His creation.

He is delighted in our running, our laughing, our eating and our appreciation for all the beauty He has created around us. What a terrific image of this abundant life is camp! When we are at Greystone, we are challenged to live fully, to live abundantly and to embrace every day with thankfulness to God for all the gifts He has given us.

He isn’t just storing up treasures for us in heaven but is actually giving freely to us now here on Earth. Today, make it an effort to remember and give thanksgiving to God that not only your eternal life is secured, but that you are offered abundant life in the here and now as well!

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