“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” Isaiah 53:6
We are sheep. Throughout the Bible, that’s what God’s children are compared to. . . dirty, wandering, frightened, and foolish sheep. Does that get under your skin at all? Does it bother you that you’re compared to one of the least intelligent animals that exists?
Sheep need help. They cannot survive without someone herding them where they’re supposed to go. They get themselves caught in places that they can’t get out of. They wander off, sidetracked by the tiniest distractions. Sheep are extremely frightened of any predators that might strike, and they get very anxious if there’s a threat of wolves, dogs, or any other attacker.
Can you see the connection yet? I’ve read about sheep and been surprised by how stupid and needy they are, but I still don’t believe that I’m that bad off. I trust what the Bible says, but its hard for me to accept practically that I act like a sheep acts.
I live my life convinced that if I just try a little harder, I can get it right. I try to manage my image so that people see me the way I want them to, not as one who is needy and helpless.
The Bible says that we need a shepherd, someone to lead us, care for us, and rescue us from the difficult situations that we face. Psalm 23 tells us that the Lord is our Shepherd. He provides exactly what we need, comforting and providing rest and strength.
Even more incredible is that he sent his son to earth to shepherd us. Jesus became like us (a sheep) in order to show us how God loves his sheep.* Not only does he equip and care for us, but he delights in his us. As our Shepherd, he enjoys helping us. He loves for us to turn to him, needy and helpless, trusting him for every breath.
Is Jesus your Shepherd? How can you ask him for help today?
For Further Reading: Psalm 100:3, Matthew 9:36