Emotions Can't be Trusted

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9

Have you ever had a day where you experience just about every emotion? You wake up and you’re so tired that you just don’t think you can make it to school. You have a presentation or a big test in your first class, and you are overcome with fear and anxiety. You score the winning goal in your game that afternoon, and your excitement and joy are overflowing.

But then you come home that night and get in a fight with a sibling or parent, and you slam the door to your room in rage. You don’t want to talk to anyone, but at the same time, you feel so alone. How can one person feel all of these feelings in just ONE day?

God tells us in Jeremiah that our hearts are “deceitful” – that, at times, they cannot be trusted. The enemy has a sneaky way of messing with our emotions and making us feel things that we are simply not created to feel – anger, worthlessness, loneliness, anxiety, fear…

But God reminds us over and over in the Bible that if our eyes and hearts are fixed on Him, we will find true joy and satisfaction. Even the most joyful moments on this earth cannot compare with what the Lord has waiting for us up in Heaven.

So when you feel like your mood swings are off the charts, try to slow down, take a deep breath, and remind yourself of this: you are loved, valued, and cherished by the one who made you, and He alone will protect your heart.

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