Worry Better

“God is within her, she will not fail.” Psalms 46:5

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I worry like it is going out of style. And I’ll tell you who I got it from… I got it from my mama.

My mom (or you may know her as “Nurse Jamie from the Health Hut”) is the coolest lady around, but that woman can WORRY! I remember one time very, very vividly. I was about to drive (in a very sleek 1998 brown mini van, that had also been engulfed with mildew through years of spilled sippy cups of milk) to the mall my junior year of high school. I was walking out the door and my mom was near tears with worry. She said, “Oh, Hilary! What if you get in a wreck? And what if it’s your fault? And if it’s your fault you might go to court. And if you go to court you might go to jail!!” Somehow we went from me simply driving five miles to the mall to me going to jail… Unreal!

I shouldn’t make too many jokes, though, because I worry too! Even though I do try to live every moment of my life to the fullest, I can’t help but sweat the small stuff too.

Do you ever have that problem? Do you worry something isn’t good enough, even when you’ve put your heart into it? Do you worry about tomorrow when today isn’t even finished? Do you stress about driving to the mall and beg your daughter to wear a helmet when driving? (Oh, no? Maybe that is just my mom).

But here is what there bible gives us to rejoice about:

“God is within her, she will not fail.” Psalms 46:5.

You will not fail! God is within you! What a remarkable, amazing, precious gift we have been given. God is in our hearts encouraging us in ways that may sometimes seem hard to feel, but His support should never be forgotten.

That verse has been my phone wallpaper for as long as I can remember. It serves as a great reminder every time I pick up my phone. Whatever I’m worried about in any given moment, I am instantly reassured. God is within me - I can think of no bigger blessing!

Luckily over the past six or seven years, my mom and I have learned how to become “better worriers.” Whenever I would be stressed at school, she would always remind me: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” - Philippians 4:6

Don’t let worry take over this sweet and precious life. Pray and give it away to the Lord who cares so deeply for you. Rather than let the stresses outweigh your day, write down the plentitude of goodness that you are surrounded by. And remember, God is within you. You will not fail! (But if you need to wear a helmet while driving, that’s okay too).

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