What Gifts Were You Given?

“For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you…for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:6-7

One of my very favorite things about God is the fact that he made each of us beautifully unique. Like seeds planted in the ground, God has intentionally planted seeds inside our hearts with the gifts and talents He has given us. And these gifts aren’t meant to serve only us, but to be a blessing to the world, a picture of God’s heart to everyone around us.

For some, the gift might be musical; for some, it is faith, humor, or encouragement; for some, it is a passion for justice or a love of language; for others, it is their keen ability to listen and love the “unlovable.” You might have a talent for sports, a love of medicine or cooking, a gift of friendship, or a smile that instantly brings comfort to those around you. Whatever your gift or talent, I can tell you this: it was never meant to be hidden or squelched.

How many of us have something that we love to do or know we are called to be doing, and keep putting it off because we’re afraid? I can raise my hand high for that one. I first found my love of writing when I was a counselor at Greystone back in 2013, and the last six years have had many ebbs and flows of how much writing I actually get done. When I’m not using my talent? It’s usually because something has happened that makes me feel afraid and insecure to keep using it.

But in 2 Timothy, Paul doesn’t get mad at Timothy for letting his gift of faith dim; instead he reminds him to rekindle that fire. Other versions say to “fan into flame the gift of God within you.” Fire doesn’t do anything for us when it’s squelched. Yet when it’s nurtured and attended to, it keeps us warm and provides us light to see.

It’s the same thing with that gift God has placed inside of you. He has given you this special talent, passion, gift, or ability for a reason, and your presence in the world matters so much. And (I love that Paul says this), God not only supplies the gift, but he also gives us a spirit to see it through. Paul says that instead of fear, our spirit really carries power, love, and self-discipline, which means that we have that DNA inside of us, even when we really feel afraid. God is with us and for us, and He knows we have what it takes to grow our gift so that it can bring blessing to our lives and others and glory to God.

Wherever you are, whether you know your gift or not, God is ready to help you grow. Spend time today praying, asking God what your talent is, and asking for Him to strengthen your spirit so that you can use this talent well. We are cheering you on!

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