Purposeful Beauty

“…and the King will desire your beauty. Since He is your Lord bow to Him.” Psalm 45:11

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new!’ Also he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” Revelation 21:5

There’s something about Greystone that just makes you feel beautiful. Within those gates, you and I are treasured, beloved, and embraced as we are – all the things the world tells us we need to hustle for. Everywhere a girl goes, she is berated with messages telling her to buy this or do that or wear these and then she will be beautiful and desired.

We all know this, we see it every day, and yet, even though we try to ignore it, many times it still wiggles into our hearts and plants itself there, a nagging voice of comparison and self-judgment. That voice has resided many years in me, but at Greystone it softens and recedes.

Camp is a world of sweaty t-shirts and frizzy hair populated each session by 500 of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. That beauty blossoms from real conversations, peaceful moments, and rejoicing in the loveliness of our Creator. At Greystone we get a glimpse of seeing others and ourselves through Jesus’ eyes, eyes that as Psalm 45 points out, are “enthralled with his creation.”

Y’all, just let that word sink in a little bit…. Enthralled. The Maker of the stars and mountains looks at His creation and calls it good, but in you (yes, you!) He is enthralled. He doesn’t just tolerate you, He doesn’t say, “Ehh I’ll do better next time.” He intentionally and lovingly crafted every part of you for a reason, to make you into the perfect person to serve his particular plan for your life.

The Bible notes in separate places that while Esther was stunning, Jesus himself was very plain. In both cases God used their appearances to accomplish his ultimate plan for their lives and his people. Esther’s beauty attracted the King who could save her people, and Jesus’ homeliness perhaps made him more fully man, approachable in a way he wouldn’t have been with good looks. You see, God can you use your appearance to further his kingdom!

Who are we to call ugly what He calls beautiful, purposeful, and precious? Even so, while we can fortify ourselves with his approval of our earthly beauty, as Christians we can rejoice even further in the ultimate beauty of the sanctified souls He promises. Our Savior is one who makes all things new, who is continually breaking down the ugliness of our sin and replacing it with his perfection.

C.S Lewis likens this process to renovating a house, when the upgrade we thought we needed turns into a total remodel; for “you thought you were being made into a decent little cottage, but He is building a palace.” Your Savior sees your beauty through the ashes of our earthly existence.

He calls you beautiful now, and is making you even more beautiful every day – can you imagine what would happen if you believed it?

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