He Responds to Every Need

“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Psalm 5:3

There is something so beautiful about being up before the sun is. Seeing the darkness soften, turn from pink to orange, and then from gold to blue, fills my heart with awe and wonder. The world is slowing waking up, the quiet only interspersed with birds singing their morning song. Morning is also the time I can most easily feel God’s presence. I’m the first one up in my house every morning, and the quiet and stillness lets me hear God more clearly. It’s just me, my Bible and journal, my cup of coffee, and God. My mind is clear without the distractions of a busy day; my heart is ready to talk to God.

Not every morning is all sunshine and bird singing, though. Psalm 5 starts with David begging God to hear him in his sorrow. His prayers are full of groaning! Yet, the next thing he says is that this morning time in where he knows God hears him. He trusts that God will listen and respond to his needs, and goes on to declare the goodness of God and His great love for David.

Isn’t that encouraging, that even when we wake up worried or anxious or sad that God loves us, hears us, and responds to our need? This is the good news of our lives: that we serve a God who loves us and listens to us. We get full access to Him because of Jesus, and no request is too big for God to come through for.

So whether morning or evening, whether you are happy or hurting, God hears you and knows what you need. We can lay every request, no matter how big or small before the Father and trust that He will move. David waits in expectation for God to answer his prayers and we can too, knowing the God who makes the morning glorious sees us, and He will listen and answer our requests.

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