Food That Satisfies

“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!” Psalm 34:8

What do you feel like when you’re really hungry? Grouchy, empty, run down, unable to be yourself?

In the same way that our stomachs get hungry for food, our hearts long for spiritual food. We were made by God to be nurtured and cared for by him. He alone provides “food” that satisfies the deepest desires and longings of our hearts: longings to be loved for who we are, longings to be free from pain and suffering, longings for wholeness and health, and much more.

Maybe you’re wondering what this “food” is and what it really does. God encourages and satisfies our hearts through his word, the Bible. He tells us that “all scripture is breathed out by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). It teaches and corrects us, gives us wisdom about how to live in this world, and reminds us who we are, God’s dearly loved children.

God also fills us up through time being with his people, the church. By hearing the good news of Jesus preached, enjoying time with others who know and love Jesus, and taking part in the activities of worship, our hearts fill. . . almost full, but not completely.

In this life, our hearts will not ever feel free of longing and sadness. But, the Bible assures us that in heaven with Jesus our hearts will one day be completely satisfied. We will enjoy God’s good gifts without the broken and sad parts of this world. In Isaiah, we’re told that in heaven “everlasting joy shall be upon [our] heads; [we] shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and sighing shall flee away” (Isaiah 35:10).

So when we feel an aching in our hearts or feel the longing for something more than this world can offer us, we can talk to God about how we’re feeling. We can thank him for giving us an ache that reminds us we need him. We can be sure that God will keep his promises to fill us full.

How can we be sure? Because he showed us how serious he was about keeping his promises by sending his own son to live here and die for our sins. Through this act of love, he showed us that he too has longings, longings to show his children compassion, love, and grace.

For Further Reading: Joel 2:26, Luke 9:10-17

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