For When You Don't Feel God's Presence

“Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.” Hosea 6:3

The Christian life is filled with days of experiencing and enjoying the love and presence of Jesus as well as walking with Him without the satisfying feelings we associate with faith.

The days when we don’t feel God’s presence, or we are not assured that our faith in Him is real because we do not feel the peace or joy associated with knowing Him, are often the most discouraging. It’s easy to look at other Christians and start comparing our experience with theirs, and even to begin to question if our faith, or God, was even real to begin with in the first place.

God knows that we will not always feel the way we want towards Him, but that does not mean He leaves us sitting in the dark of our despair or unbeief.

Consider what you experience every day:

Each day, the sun comes up.

Each evening, the sun sets,

Many days, the rain comes to water and nourish the earth.

The words of Hosea are a gentle reminder to press on to know the Lord, not just try to “feel” Him, because He will come to us as consistently as each sun rise and the rain that comes in the spring.

Let the call of a new morning’s alarm, the sound of rain on your roof, or your view of a beautiful, sun-soaked sky remind you that He will come.

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