You Are God's Child First

“So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” Matthew 7:11

Becoming a parent is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. It’s also definitely the hardest thing that’s ever happened to me. From sleepless nights and potty training, to snuggles and smiles, this time I’ve had my daughter here on earth with me has grown and softened and changed me more than I thought possible.

When I get easily frustrated at my daughter, God gently reminds me there’s a better way. And in hard moments, if I stop and listen long enough, God is gracious to guide me in the way I should speak to and parent our daughter, Selah. In those many joyful moments, God shows me his love through her laugh, her smile, and her tiny hands on both sides of my face as she scrunches her nose and says “I love you, Mama.”

As much as I love my daughter, that love pales in comparison to how much God loves me. We all fail and hurt our children, but God’s love is different, better, unchanging.

God never gets short tempered. He never grows weary. He never forgets to be kind. He always understands, and He always knows beyond a shadow of a doubt what is best for us. God does not shame us or demand we behave a certain way; He sees us exactly as we are, loves us deeply, and where it is necessary, calls us to a better way of living.

God is a tender Father (Romans 8:15). Whether you have experienced a parent like this or not, the beautiful thing about being a Christian is that Christ enables us to be adopted into God’s family; He paves the way for us to be embraced by our Good Father. And that is the greatest gift of all!

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