Don't Fear the Endings

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

I hate when things end, don’t you? It’s almost to a fault how much I love for things to remain the way they are. And we all love that, right?

We feel safe when we feel that our relationships and situations are secure and unshakable. But in reality, that’s not how life works. Instead of remaining safe and secure, life’s always throwing us curve balls, sending us on a different path just when we have sure footing on the previous one.

And it stinks, to be honest. This year has been a year marked by things not going the way I planned for them to go. Relationships changed, huge sections of my life and my identity changed. I was stripped raw and forced to taste many bitter moments along with the sweet.

But if I’ve learned anything through this, it’s that I have to go to Jesus. I have to lean on him. He’s the only sure thing in my life. He’s the only thing that’s never changing. But so often, I forget.

When I’m dealing with something that I should bring to Jesus, I’m quick to say “Thanks Jesus, but I’m going to go talk to my friends about this first” or “I’m going to numb this ache with Pinterest or Instagram or anything else besides you,” instead. But tonight my heart was aching and the only thing I could think to do was to crawl into bed and talk to Jesus.

And in the midst of realizing fear of change was at the root of my struggles, I cried out to God. My heart was practically screaming, “I’m SCARED Jesus! I don’t want to be alone! Why does everything have to change?! And why do I feel this loss so deeply?!”And the response I got was one that I know will bring me to my knees over and over again for seasons to come.

“Beloved, I am for you in and out of every season. Though friendships, relationships, and seasons change, the way I feel about you does not change. My love for you is unwavering. My Character is unwavering. I do not give up on you. I do not replace you. I do not leave you behind.”

Friends, that might be some of the deepest truth I’ve ever encountered. Things are always changing all around us. We’re always moving in and out of seasons. People are always coming and going, in and out of our lives. But you know what? THAT’S OKAY! In fact, that’s normal, because that’s just how life is!

I bet there’s something in your life that’s scary right now, but I also know there is One who will never leave your side. He is with you. Do not fear.

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